A Message From Pastor Paul
As we end 2019, I want to start by praising the Lord for the new church plant. God blessed us with our daughter church, GCC back in April! GCC is doing very well under the leadership of Pastor Roberto.
I am so looking forward to sharing and implementing the new vision God has given me for NGCC for 2020. You will be seeing and hearing this statement a lot in 2020…
A Great Commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will grow a Great Church!
God has big plans to Grow NGCC into a Great Church in 2020. Everything we do will be based on being committed to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
In 2020, we will fulfill this by being committed to the 5 Purposes of the Church like we never have before. As a Purpose Driven Church, we need to be balanced in Evangelism, Discipleship, Worship, Ministry, and Fellowship.
Join me in prayer that we will be intentional in seeing many people come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, that we would make Disciples, and Baptize many by having a Great Commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
It’s time for every one of us to be doers of the Word and make an eternal impact on our community by leading and loving like Jesus.
God will be Glorified in 2020 at NGCC!
Blessings in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Paul
NGCC Ministry News and Events
Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry
As I sit here writing this article, I have many emotions running through my spirit.
First, I am excited! I am so excited to see our children growing in their walks with the Lord. We have begun teaching personal responsibility for our actions. And, how when we make the choice to misbehave, we make Jesus sad. I feel thrilled at what God could do for our children’s ministry…
And this is what makes me so very sad… We have only 4 to 5 consistent volunteers for our children’s ministry. Read that again! Out of an entire church, we have 4 to 5 volunteers for our children. NGCC!!!! We can do better! We HAVE to do better! Church, if we do not step up and care, the world will take our precious children from our grasp.
Children today contend with so much, much more than they deserve. Bullying often leads to suicide. Child hunger, addicted parents, absent parents, divorced parents, homelessness. Man! It’s a lot on these kids. And if WE don’t care, they are in trouble.
We, the Church, need to be in their lives. We need to shower them with God’s Word and show them the precious Love of Jesus. What will it take? A childless church is a dying church. Do you hear me?
If you can help the Children’s Ministry, we need you. Each volunteer must pass a background check. Assistants must have attended NGCC for 6 months. Teachers must be 6-month attenders and members. Your commitment could be as little as once a month. Keep the children and the volunteers in your prayers!
Many activities are being discussed right now. We will carry on with our Wednesday night “Kingdom Kids”. Plans are being made now for our annual Christmas party. Check your bulletins for date and time.
We are looking into having a once a month family night at NGCC.
Many cool things are going to be going on –jump on board! Don’t miss out.
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
Interim Children’s Ministry Leader
Youth Ministry
The youth ministry is “gelling” more, now nine-months since we started. We’ve had some ups and downs, but we are seeing growth – not necessarily in numbers, but spiritually. We go deep into the scripture and don’t shy away from hard issues. The youth are asking more in-depth questions.
We’ve studied from creation on and now we are studying Abraham and Isaac, the child of promise – and preparing to introduce Jesus just in time for the holiday.
Pray for us as we prepare to be more direct in sharing the Gospel now that the young eyes of their souls are being opened.
Due to many challenges, I couldn’t take the kids to camp over the summer, but I’d like to try again in January. I’ve also talked with the Baltimore Baptist Association about possibly partnering with some of their events.
We are planning a Christmas party… I’m still nailing down the date. We also want to have a spaghetti/art night fundraiser.
There is a real need to reach the older youth. I am leaning on Femi to eventually help more this area. He is taking on more leadership – it’s great to see.
I’d like to see a senior high small group form early in Jan.
Another idea I’d like to get off the ground is prayer partnering for our youth – matching some adults with the youth.
Sharon Mager
Interim Youth Leader
Women’s Ministry
As the women of NGCC continue to gather in social events and meetings, we will keep talking and discussing God’s immense love for us!
On December 14th, we will have our annual Christmas party here at the church. We will discuss God’s greatest act of love for us! Each lady is asked to bring one wrapped gift to exchange. Do not write anyone’s name on it. The gift should cost between $5 and $10 only. This will also be a potluck dinner, and each person is asked to bring a dish to share. For the dessert table… we will have our annual cookie exchange. Please bring cookies to exchange with others. Don’t forget a container to take your cookies home in! For the cookie exchange, please see Kim for any questions or concerns.
Our next meeting will be January 11th after church. In February we have a potluck fellowship tentatively planned for February 8th at NGCC.
Maureen Hill
Men’s Ministry
We just had our Men’s Fall Prayer Breakfast. The men enjoyed a full breakfast, received the message from God’s Word by a guest speaker and had a fun time of fellowship.
There are opportunities for ministry such as Operation Christmas Child which is happening now during this holiday season. Our church is giving shoebox gifts to needy children, and also volunteering time at the local warehouse to prepare for distributing them for this world-wide faith-based ministry. This is a fun and great time to prepare our hearts for the Christmas season as we focus on the gift of Jesus Christ to each of us.
The 2020 IGNITE Men’s Conference will be in March and our group of men will travel South again to attend this dynamic event with challenging speakers and well-known worship leaders as well as a fun time of fellowship with hundreds of men who always come out. Stay tuned for more details and make plans to join us again this year.
Stay connected to the men’s ministry and look for our events on the church bulletin, our website, the church phone app and the Men’s Facebook group page.
Please share your thoughts and ideas for fellowship and ministry opportunities.
Joe Fleming
Ecclesiastes 4: 9 – 10a – Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
Music and Tech Ministry
Hello NGCC family! Thank you so much for all the love and support you give North Glen, Pastor Paul and the Praise Team. The Praise Team has been great as we go through changes.
I’m still having challenges with my health. By the grace of God, I know all things are possible through Jesus Christ.
We are on an awesome journey, and as leaders we are always seeking musicians, computer or sound people, or if your gift is something else, go for it! Your commitment is made to Jesus, no one else. If you give and do all you can for Him, the rest will fall into place. Find your gift and help spread the Word!
We get a lot done for a small church, and that’s great! Pray for us and our church, praise God and be blessed.
Pastor Rick
Homeless Ministry
The homeless ministry meets every first Saturday of the month at 9:00 am to take food out into the community for the homeless. Please keep the homeless in your prayers!
Please see me for more information.
Vicky Duffy
Food Pantry
When shopping, please consider picking up an extra item or two so that we may be able to keep the pantry fully stocked for those in need during the coming cold months. Thanks so much!
Greeter’s Ministry
The Greeter’s Ministry is always looking for people that love to smile and greet with a friendly “Good Morning”. We need people to hand out bulletins and work at our refreshment table. If you would like to help out and can be at church by 10:30 am, we welcome you. We do not want to miss greeting people as soon as they open the double doors! Your commitment would be just once a month.
If you are interested in joining, please see Bill or Julie Drenning.
Bill and Julie Drenning
Coffee House News
We would like to thank the two ladies who have stepped up to take care of the child care of elementary aged children. Please pray for them and encourage them as they conduct this ministry to keep our kids in a safe environment while the adults are worshiping together.
Concerts are from 8-10pm every third Saturday of the month. Doors open at 7pm. Food donations are appreciated to offset the cost to the church. Love offering is collected to support the band’s ministry as most come from out of the local area.
Julie Drenning
On December 21:
The Itzels return after several years. The Itzels, a family of musicians, are now celebrating 30 years of ministry. They promote worship that brings families together. Please come and join in the celebration of our Lord this season. Here are videos of some of the songs they will be bringing to us this evening: http://www.itzelmusic.com/late-2019—2020.html
On January 18:
Raymond Lee Band will once again come from Delaware to perform. To view their last concert at SNL, visit: https://www.northglenchurch.com/snl-coffee-house-feat-raymond-lee-band-2/
On February 15:
For the first time we will be having a Bluegrass Band from Rockdale, Delaware. Rockdale – a small town in southern Delaware County where time has moved a little more slowly than most places in the area. Where traditional gospel and bluegrass music have come together in the sound of the Rockdale Boys. Strong vocal harmony and solid instrumental arrangements make this music joyful, uplifting and just plain fun to hear. So get your toe tapping shoes on and come along for the experience. Visit http://www.rockdaleboys.com/ to download their music.
If you have not seen any of these bands perform, you may also visit our YouTube page and even our PhoneApp to pull up past videos:
Julie Drenning