Service Times

The following is our listing of weekly services times and may include times for other regularly scheduled events and programs.

Please note that weekly services times may change during the holidays and summer months. Feel free to Contact Us for more information or check our news and events to view seasonal events. We look forward to worshiping with you and your family.

Our Weekly Services Schedule


9:15 AM    Prayer Meeting in-Person and online  Join the prayer group using Zoom hereJoin Prayer Meeting

10:00 AM  Adult Bible Study

11:00 AM  Worship and Sermon Service  also Live Streamed from the Church Facebook pageWatch Service

11:30 AM  Children’s Program thru 8th Grade


5:00 PM   Kingdom Kids for Children age 3 thru 5th Grade meet at the church

6:00 PM   ACTS 2:42 Service Devoted to Prayer, Teaching of God’s Word, the Lord’s Table of Communion and Fellowship

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