A Message From Pastor Paul
The Lord is shaking the earth as well as His church to wake up and be the church He created us to be!
Te enemy has been working overtime to keep the church distracted from fulfilling the mission Jesus gave His church. Although it appears to be working, one by one we are going to rise up and defeat the enemy, who has no authority over the Church! The only power he has is what we give him.
The Lord has placed an urgency on my heart like never before for the church to surrender all to Jesus as we prepare for His imminent return!
For those who want to go deeper in your walk with Jesus let’s do it! For those just putting your toes in the water we will be praying that God lights a fire under you so you will jump into the deep water.
We will be starting a verse-by-verse study in the great book of Ephesians on Wednesday night Acts 2:42 Service. I am very excited about our new gathering on Wednesday nights! I love seeing the hunger for more of God.
I truly believe Wednesday nights will be the catalyst for revival at NGCC! As we do this Biblical model of devoting ourselves to Prayer, Teaching of God’s Word, Fellowship & coming to the Lord’s Table, we long to see the same results the early church got from being devoted to these 4 things! And the Lord added daily to the church those who were being saved.
How sweet that will be as we commit to this Biblical mode. The result will be a Spiritual Revival which is necessary to reach our Community for Jesus Christ. The Community’s blood is on our hands. We have to give an account to Jesus of how we obeyed His Great Commission.
To help equip you, we will be doing two approximately three-hour sessions of Evangelism Training on Saturday 9-12 & 9-19 at 10AM. Don’t miss this Biblical model to learn to use your God given personality to reach others for Jesus Christ.
We will finally be going out in the Community for Prayer walks plus planning Prayer & Fasting Services TBA. In these crazy times, as Jesus’ return gets closer every day, people need Jesus more now than ever!
Our God is a Consuming Fire…don’t let Him catch you sleeping. Now is the time for us to rise up and be the Church Jesus created us to be.
To God be the Glory! Praying we fall deeply in love with Jesus!
Pastor Paul
NGCC Ministry News and Events
Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry
After months of not meeting in person we are so excited to once again meet together for Sunday morning Children’s Church! As we now meet outdoors we have been having so much fun with water-related activities…as well as great Bible stories all relating to water! Our attendance has been strong and outstanding. As fun as it has been, we must realize colder weather is just around the corner.
We must recognize and meet the needs of our children by filling the children’s area with dedicated volunteers willing to teach at least once a month on Sunday mornings.
Currently, we are not having our 10AM Sunday school class or our Wednesday night Kingdom Kids program. I am looking for dedicated people to help with those programs. My plan is to re-introduce both of those programs in the near future but we definitely will need volunteers.
Now, more than ever, we need to love our children enough to want them to have weekly lessons. With the turbulent times we are living in, we can no longer teach the children downstairs as the rooms are too small and obsolete. We need willing adults to step up! Please see me if you want to make a difference in a child’s life with the Word of God. Training and lessons are provided each week.
Parents, I would like to encourage you as school will soon be back into session. You have the unique opportunity to be in your child’s life in an even bigger way! Don’t miss out on this chance to make a great impression on their lives. Ask questions! Get involved! Pay attention to what they are saying, what are they listening to musically. What are they watching? Who are their friends? What things are you hearing that they may not necessarily be saying in words? A lot of times children will speak their words in actions…bad behavior, questionable friends, etc. We at NGCC are dedicated to helping you to supply your child with awesome and God-honoring lessons week-to-week. Please reach out to us if we can assist in anyway
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
Interim Children’s Ministry Leader
Youth Ministry
The youth group has new life, and our leaders are very excited. Following our Zoom meetings, we began meeting outside on Wednesdays when COVID-19 restrictions eased. It’s a little tricky sometimes, and when it rains, we have to cancel, but overall, we’ve been doing very well.
Basketball is once again very popular, but the highlight has been our trip to Skycroft Conference Center for our own retreat on August 15-16. Prior to the retreat, we had a bake sale and raised over $250 – with several people giving generous donations to support the young teens and pre-teens on the trip.
We had 8 youth and four adults go to Skycroft. We played games, ate together, swam, played in the gym, and had devotions. This was a huge bonding time…the kids really grew close to one another.
Another benefit from the trip is that we have one mom of two of the youth who went with us and is now taking a solid role in helping with supplies and support. Also, another young girl, Marissa, went as a friend of one of the youth, and returned with a friend on Wednesday. Marissa’s grandmother wants to help with transportation and snacks.
We’re also getting together photos to start a youth Instagram page. They want to call it “North Glen Youth Adventures.” We may name the youth group that too – I think we’ll take a vote.
The kids want to do another trip. They may do a car wash soon to raise funds.
Spiritually, there are a few who know the Lord, and are strong even in the midst of family hardship, for the most part, this group is un-churched, with some questioning the existence of God and others wrestling with questions regarding sexual identity. Sharing the Gospel has to be done very carefully with the Holy Spirit’s leading. We are trying to build a solid foundation.
We covet your prayers for this group that is ready to step into the most exciting, most challenging, potentially heart-breaking, and life-changing days of their lives.
In Him, for our youth team
Sharon Mager
Interim Youth Leader
Bridge Builders Ministry
Hi everyone!
Well, school is literally and figuratively out. The COVID virus has put a grinding halt to nearly everything. However we are seeing encouraging signs of life with the NGES ministry.
Last week, we connected with the new school Principle (Denise Shafer) and North Glen coordinator (Dan Fitzgerald) to begin discussions about how to partner during these uncertain times.
We discussed setting up a Zoom meeting within the next week on how NGCC can help.
They were very excited and seemed very willing to continue our partnership. The question in everyone’s mind is how, and what?
We want to hear from the Principle about the various ways she thinks we can help. In addition, we would like to suggest some ways the church can provide support for the school.
One thing that is certain, there were already many people that were living on the edge of the economy before the pandemic. Now it is certain there are many who have gone over the edge as a result of it.This is one of the areas we will be discussing.Regarding school supplies; the school is issuing a backpack with the necessary supplies to each student .This may be a follow-up area where we can support them.
Bottom line; “we don’t know what we don’t know” at this point -BUT – praise God that the new Principle is ready and willing to continue to partner with us in whatever projects they can identify to help them and the North Glen community.
Because the School/Church project is so large in its outreach, we all understand that this will require a total buy-in from anyone who would like to join the partnership and make a difference.
God’s word tells us that we each have been given gifts to use; whether it be administration, knowledge and any one of many gifts the Holy Spirit bestows. I ask you please pray and be open as to how you believe you can help. That is a murky request seeing as we know so little at this point, but I believe that God will open doors and make the needs known to us.
In my three years at the church, if I know anything, I know the saints at North Glen are generous and genuine. I have seen and experienced the people of North Glen always answering the call, no matter what it is.
After we have our upcoming meeting, I will be able to share with you the opportunities that have been identified along with others that will develop during the school year. I have no doubt there will be plenty!
We recently had an individual (who has asked to remain anonymous) donate $500.00 to the school project. I know this person; they have given out of their need and not from their abundance.(Remember the Widow’s Mites.)
Thank you everyone for reading and praying -you’re the best!
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the LORD, and in the power of His might.”Eph 6:10
Sincerely, Barry
Praise and Worship Ministry
Here’s a repeat of the news from the last newsletter:
We are currently seeking and in need of a dedicated person that will run sound. We are seeking someone that is already skilled in this area but we can train the right committed person. If you feel this is an area God is directing you to, please reach out to me – Pastor Rick.
Please keep the praise band in your prayers as we continue to play for Jesus despite these trying times… Be Blessed in Jesus!
Pastor Rick Holmes
Women’s Ministry
Hello Ladies!
I hope you’re all doing well through this pandemic. I’m praying for you and trying to keep in touch with you all. I miss seeing you and having fellowship together!
Remember: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Also, I have 2 people in my prayer journal who were on our church prayer list and was wondering if there are updates?
John LaBonte: stage 4 cancer and Bobby: tumors.
Please reach out to me with any updates.
In Christian Love
Maureen Hill
Men’s Ministry
Just as the church overall has been affected by this extended season of COVID-19, it has also impacted the Men’s Ministry in terms of fellowship opportunities.
We hope to possibly have an outdoor activity in the fall season, however the annual fall prayer breakfast is uncertain at this time.
In the meantime, all men are encouraged to continue supporting the mission of NGCC that God has given us. Thankfully we are now able to come together at church and worship, serve and grow in our faith by hearing the message of God’s Word. Pray for those who are higher risk and have not been able to join us yet.
Stay connected to the men’s ministry and encourage a friend and/or brother who needs to get connected with other men on this journey of faith in Jesus. Updates will be communicated during our services, online meetings, emails, posted on our website, the church phone app and the church and men’s ministry Facebook group pages.
Please share your thoughts and ideas for future fellowship and ministry opportunities to me.
1 Thessalonians 4:1 – Finally then brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more.
Joe Fleming.
Men’s Ministry Leader
Greeter’s Ministry
Those that have made the move to come back to church in person have noticed a change in the way we greet!
Michele Priebe has been filling the position of leader for our church. Each week Michele takes temperatures for each individual coming into church. She also makes sure each is supplied with a face mask if they do not have one.
Michele is seeking individuals that would like to greet people with a smiling face each Sunday. While maintaining social distance and wearing of masks does make greeting a challenge, we still want to make sure each person giving of their time to come to NGCC feels welcomed and loved with a Jesus kind of love! If you are interested in being a part of the Greeters, please contact Michele at her email below.
Michele Priebe
News from the Financial Secretary
I would like to give a shout out of “THANKS” to everyone who continues to mail in donations or make payments thru PayPal even though your not comfortable returning to church yet. Your faithfulness is GREATLY APPRECIATED.
Starting in September. I will be going back to the original schedule for our Tellers. I will continue to fill in for any Tellers who have not returned yet. This is no problem, I am more than happy to fill in for you. If you are unsure of your week to help please let me know. If anyone is interested in helping out and you are not already on the schedule, please reach out to me.
Be Safe and Be Blessed,
In Christ,
Carol Le Duce
NGCC Financial Secretary
Coffee House News
For those who have not visited our SNL Coffee House Facebook page, we have been meeting each month through Watch Parties at 8PM om the third Saturday of each month. We have been grateful to have taped past performances of each band who connected with us through a Watch Party. This Summer, we had The Itzel family, Holy Smoke, and Lisa Fenstermacher.
We still do not know when we will be able to return again together. Stay connected to our Facebook page and your emails when an event has been scheduled, either online or in person. Continue to support the band of the evening. The videos will remain on the Facebook page and are also available on our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwleNiDObxiErRcNGbojAQ/videos, our Church App, and also NGCC Community Church Facebook page.
When we do start the Watch Party, note that the leader of each band is also connected if you have any questions in supporting their ministry or are interested in purchasing merchandise.
Please connect and share with others to join as we meet and worship together.
In Christ,
Julie Drenning