Help at the Coffee House
The Coffee House is in need of childcare givers, particularly during the month of December as Ms. Lowry performs with HMS Renegade. If you are at least 25 and interested in stepping up to lead this ministry for December, please see either Ms. Lowry or Ms. Julie Drenning. There are specific requirements to serve in the ministry. You may either help during the first or second hour or the full two-hour time frame from 8-10pm. Please arrive NLT 7:30pm. Two adults must be with the children at all times.
If you like a variety style of Christian music and like the outreach of these events to our community, here is an opportunity to not only attend and invite others to the event, but also to serve.
We appreciate those who have supported the Coffee House over the past 24 years. Even those who do not attend North Glen can serve in this ministry because of their love of music and others. At 7pm, we need volunteers to help serve food and, after the concert, prepare the church for the next day. Individuals can also arrive between 6 and 7pm to prepare the kitchen area.
Let us show the hands and feet of Jesus to those who walk through our doors and maybe the first time inside a church building.
If you are interested in being on the team to help prepare or serve the food, please see or contact Julie or Bill Drenning
If you are unable to come the third Saturday of each month, tables and chairs are arranged the Wed before the event after Bible Study.
Julie Drenning
From the SNL Coffee House Leader
We are very excited about the growth in the attendance at the Coffee House that reaches the community.
This ministry is an opportunity to bring those who may not enter a church on Sunday to see that Christians can have a good time in the Lord with a variety of styles of Christian music.
We are very excited with the continued service of reaching our community with the sound of music through the gifts and talents given to those who come through our doors to bless us every month. More and more guests are coming to support the Coffee House and the help from the members, family, and friends is much appreciated as we serve the evening together. The number of children coming for the entertainment that meets their age group is also a blessing. Parents or guardians are asked to take their school-aged child upstairs between 7:45 and 8:00pm to sign on the clip board provided and then retrieve their children after the music is over.
The parents and guardians who come to the Coffee House to enjoy the concert would also like to thank Ms. Lena Lowry and her helpers for taking care of their children by providing snacks, and allowing them to watch movies, listen to a Bible story, and play games.
Our Coffee House is asking for members to support our community with this Outreach monthly event. Donations for food are specified on the church bulletin board, to help offset the cost of the Coffee House.
Don’t forget that we also have long and short sleeve Coffee House t-shirts for sale. See logos below of the front and back. Shirts come in short sleeve ($10) and long sleeve ($15) in gray, black, purple, and orange. We are ‘On a Mission from God’. Thanks for your support.
Front logo Back logo
Visit the Coffee House Facebook page at SNLCoffeeHouse for pictures from previous months or go to and search for SNLCoffeeHouse to view videos of past and upcoming concerts and videos.
December Outreach Event at the SNL Coffee House
On December 16th, we will be celebrating the Christmas season with HMS Renegade whose members you will recognize from the church praise team. You may have seen the band also perform at the opening celebration of the lighting of the Christmas tree in the middle of Glen Burnie on November 27th.Doors open at 7pm; each concert runs from 8-10pm. For those interested in serving or signing up to bring food, please see Julie or sign up on the bulletin board for each month.
January Outreach Event at the SNL Coffee House
On January 20th, Raymond Lee Band will be at the Coffee House. Come join RLB on a musical journey where exciting, inspirational and thought-provoking music and lyrics collide. The end result is a worshipful experience filled with praise to the ONE who is our Everything. The Raymond Lee Band’s goal, no matter where they play or who they meet, is to Love God, Love Others and Spread the Word!! The band will be selling merchandise. Visit their webpage for cost and samples:

February Outreach Event at the SNL Coffee House
On February 17th, HourGlass will be performing for the first time at SNL. HourGlass is a Christian Rock band from Maryland. Led by their thought-provoking lyrics, HourGlass challenges their listeners to find hope even in the darkest moments. You may have heard this band perform at GenXaret in Columbia, MD. Videos can be found on their Facebook page at
