A Message From Pastor Paul
James tells us that faith without works is dead! Hebrews tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God! So, let’s exercise our faith to please God by diligently seeking Him and watch the promised rewards of God for our faithful service to the Lord this summer!
We will kick off this summer with our Pentecost Celebration! A Block Party for the purpose of serving our community, sharing the love of Jesus with them as we celebrate the birth of the Church through the coming of the Holy Spirit!
We will also celebrate our 60th year of North Glen! God placed us on this hill in this community 60 years ago to be the light of the world! As we become a House of Prayer and pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers to go and make disciples! North Glen’s best days are ahead of us as we eagerly await the promised return of Jesus!
This Summer we will begin a New Sermon Series on Sundays through the book of James! We will grow closer to Jesus with 13 Hot Summer Topics including Stress, Spiritual War, Jesus Return, Faith that Works, Money, Wisdom, Healing and much more!
My Prayer is that NGCC will put application through the great teachings of James to help us grow in our walk with Jesus to effectively reach our Community for Christ! Wednesday nights we will come back to discuss further the topics we cover on Sunday to help us put application to the spiritual truths found in God’s Word!
Looking forward to this Summer of Hot Topics through the book of James to ignite a fire in us that is pleasing to God and builds up the Church with a Holy Spirit fire!
Our God is a consuming fire! Hebrews 12:29 Let’s let God’s Holy Word transform us into the image of Jesus this summer and burn passionately for Jesus!
Love in Jesus,
Pastor Paul
NGCC Ministry News and Events
Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry
Our hearts and prayers go out the community of Uvalde,Texas. We once again have been reminded of how precious life is as we gather news that the lives of 19 innocent children have been brutality stolen from their parents and their community.
As a church we weep and we pray. Pray for not only these innocent lives but for the children of our country and nation. Evil does not care how old or innocent a life is. Evil seeks to tear apart and destroy. Satan laughs. Jesus weeps. But Jesus also restores and heals the broken. Our nation needs so much more of Jesus.
It is the responsibility of our ministry and our church to provide children with the love, honesty, and support of Jesus. Those that have that real opportunity to speak to children need to be on hand to give a hug, or words of encouragement… And especially prayer. Children should not be in fear to sit in a classroom to learn. Give your children time to think about things, ask questions, let them know you are praying for them. Let them know it is ok to be scared. But let them know God is still on the throne, that He loves them so much. Each morning, pray a hedge of protection over your children. And teach them to don the Armor of God.
We want your family to know that at North Glen, we take your child’s safety very seriously. In light of recent events we will be going over our safety and emergency plans, should the need arise.
The Children’s Ministry is looking forward to a great summer. Some events planned include:
- Family Fun Filled Block Party on June 5th at 11am
- Luau on June 8th at 5pm
- VBS on June 27 through June 29 from 6pm to 8pm
Other activities will include a trip to the zoo in Baltimore, Paint and Praise Night, Nerf and Nachos Day, and more. Stay tuned for more info!
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
kim@northglenchurch.com or wheelzforchrist@gmail.com
Youth Ministry
The youth are prepping for summer camp at Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, MD. This will be our first actual full camp experience. We currently have eight youth and three chaperones. More decisions are made at Skycroft camps than just about any BCM/D venue – decisions to follow Christ, to go into missions and vocational ministry. Please pray for our group and if you are able to chaperone, please volunteer.
We are also planning to divide the youth into middle and high school groups in June.
We’re watching the kids grow in many ways. You’re probably seeing them more comfortable in the church. Remember, young people who decide to follow Jesus aren’t the church of tomorrow- they’re the church of today. Many of them may be coming just to hang out, but they’re hearing the gospel. God has them there for a reason.
Thank you for all your support.
Sharon Mager
Women’s Ministry
Plans for our group right now are the continuing study on salvation. We will have a “baby shower” for Mary’s Center on June 4th at 6pm.
Also… I know things are tough out there in our world right now but remember:
- God IS in control,
- God is STILL on His throne,
And, Proverbs 3: 5 & 6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart & lean not unto your own understanding.”
His ways are not ours! Keep looking up!!
In Christ,
Maureen Hill
Men’s Ministry
Summer has arrived and with it more opportunities for fellowship and ministry. There are plans for some outdoor activities for our men’s group and these will be fun and always include good food. 🙂 Our summer cookout will happen again, and plans will be provided soon.
Please pray and seek God for how He wants to use you here at NGCC. He has a specific purpose for you and He will equip you for that purpose. He will use any of us, as long as we are willing to be used. You will be blessed and grow stronger in your walk of faith as you serve.
Stay connected to the men’s ministry and encourage a friend or brother who needs to get connected with other men on this journey of faith in Jesus. Updates will be communicated during our services, online meetings, emails, posted on our website, the church phone app and the church and men’s ministry Facebook group pages.
Please share your thoughts and ideas for future fellowship and ministry opportunities to me. I have received some good suggestions already and more are welcome. Also continue to lift one another up in our prayers.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.
Joe Fleming
Bridge Builders Ministry
On July 23rd we will sponsor a pop-up food pantry. The time to be announced. Stay tuned for more information.
Thank you!!
Barry Mager
Greeter’s Ministry
Greeters Ministry is going well. Besides the usual routine greeting, at service, Kim has helped me with a clip board idea for new guests. It is not always easy to see all that come, since some come in our back door. So if members or frequent attendees see anyone new let me know, and I will give them a form to fill out. Thanks!
Also thanking all the help I get with other greeters, so glad to have them helping. Teamwork!
With the Love of Jesus
Music and Praise Ministry
Our praise band would like to thank Frank Buckland for his time and service to our church. Week after week Frank served along side of me as our worship leader handling many tasks. Frank will be surely missed.
We currently are in need of a sound person! If you have this gift or would like to learn, please let us know.
Lena Lowery
Ministry Leader
There are many opportunities to get involved in our church!
We want everyone that attends NGCC to find their ministry. We have ministries that need help currently, such as the children’s ministry or the youth group. From time to time our building and grounds ministry needs help with work days of cleaning and decluttering. A few times a year our church hosts outdoor events that require volunteers. Once a month we go out and minister to the community.
There are many ways to be involved! If you are not sure were you could serve, please talk to me. We would love to have each person that is able and willing to serve in the Lord’s House.
Please pray for all of these ministries; don’t be shy, be involved. God will help every step you go toward Him,
He is the Supreme Helper and Encourager.
With the Love of Jesus