A Message From Pastor Paul
Hello, NGCC!
I am excited to see what God is going to do this Summer at NGCC!
This Summer NGCC will begin our spiritual journey with our new sermon series and summer theme: Temperature Rising. For the next 100 days we will be intentionally igniting the flame of our Spiritual temperature to be hot for Jesus.
As the temperature rises this summer, Lord help us to be on fire for You! Let’s make it a priority to disciple the people God has brought into our lives to be a witness for Christ.
This all starts with fervent prayer!
I’m so thankful for those who serve Jesus faithfully with a passion…for those that have a hunger for more of Jesus. Let this fire spread throughout NGCC!
Enjoy the summer heat as you get your Temperature Rising!
Be blessed in Jesus,
Pastor Paul
NGCC Ministry News and Events
Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry
The children’s ministry is gearing up for a great summer of fun and activities…We are kicking things of with our: “Glow for Jesus” VBS!
- Each night, children will be engaged in exciting Bible stories, games, crafts, and snacks.VBS is geared for ages pre-k through middle school.
- The dates are August 16th to 20th from 6pm to 8pm.
- Preregistration is available on our website, northglenchurch.com. Preregistration is encouraged but registration will be open every night.
We have many things planned this summer for our Wednesday Kingdom Kids group. We are planning a luau, paint night, Nerf War, and more! Kingdom Kids meet weekly Wednesdays at 4:00pm. Ages up to 5th grade.
After a long year of virtual learning, I am sure children and parents are ready for a much needed rest. Parents, keep engaged with your children. Find some fun ways to spend time together.
As always, please reach out if our children’s ministry can be of assistance.
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
kim@northglenchurch.com or wheelzforchrist@gmail.com
Women’s Ministry
Hello Ladies…Trying to get the ministry started again!
First plan is to have a luncheon at a restaurant so we can have fellowship. We can have a meeting one Sunday after church.
God is already guiding me to things we can discuss. We will try to pick up some of the plans we had before COVID.
“To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult to insult, but giving a blessing instead.”
I Peter 3:8-9 NIV
In Christ,
Maureen Hill
Men’s Ministry
Summer has arrived and with it more opportunities for fellowship and ministry. The activity inside and outside the church has increased, and it is great to see more people join us at NGCC on a weekly basis. We have several new men who are now attending and becoming active with our ministries. There are plans for some outdoor activities for our men’s group and these will be fun and always include good food. Annual summer cookout will happen again and plans will be provided soon.
Please pray and seek God for how He wants to use you here at NGCC. He has a specific purpose for you and He will equip you for that purpose. He will use any of us, as long as we are willing to be used. You will be blessed and grow stronger in your walk of faith as you serve.
Stay connected to the men’s ministry and encourage a friend or brother who needs to get connected with other men on this journey of faith in Jesus. Updates will be communicated during our services, online meetings, emails, posted on our website, the church phone app and the church and men’s ministry Facebook group pages.
Please share your thoughts and ideas for future fellowship and ministry opportunities to me. Also continue to lift one another up in our prayers.
James 5 : 16b – The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Joe Fleming
Greeters Ministry
Warm Greetings from the ‘Greeters’ at North Glen Community Church!
It is almost Summer and the Greeters Ministry is happy that we are not taking temperatures anymore. Debbie, Mark and I are always happy to see everyone on Sunday coming to worship and praise Our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ!
Little treats and Daily Breads and Information about various events are offered when you arrive. Mark is very helpful with his desire to pray with anyone, so feel free to ask if you have a need or would like to pray with him. Debbie always has a smile to greet you.
See you all on Sunday Mornings!
With the Love of Jesus
Coffee House News
With the changes in Maryland regarding gatherings, the Coffee House can reopen!
In order to reopen, we have an important need…Help with the Coffee House. We need some young, strong folks to help set up the stage needs for the band, help bring in their equipment, and reset the stage for Sunday service.
This will continue as the third Saturday of each month. If you are interested, please send us a message and I will connect you with our Worship Pastor who has more details.
In Christ,
Julie Drenning