A Word from Pastor Paul
Springtime means we have the awesome opportunity to go on a 43-day journey to celebrate Jesus through the Cross and the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It is a time to reflect on the blessings Jesus has given us and a time to be intentional in sharing our faith in Jesus. NGCC is making a Great Commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission to grow a great church.
Our Spring Sermon Series on the 7 sayings of Jesus on the Cross will run March 1 until Good Friday.
On April 10, 2020, Good Friday, we will be having a very special service. Beginning at 4:00 pm, we will screen the blockbuster movie The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. Immediately following the movie at about 6:00 pm, we will have a very special time of prayer We will then finish out the night with a lovely Good Friday Service at 7:00 pm with worship music, Communion and a sermon on the last word that Jesus spoke…you will not want to miss this time to come to the Cross.
Followed by our Resurrection Celebration on Sunday Morning at 11:00 AM on April 12, we will start at the cross, deny ourselves, take up our own crosses and follow Jesus daily.
We will be having an “Invite a Friend Day” on March 8. This will be a great opportunity to invite our lost friends to hear Jesus’ powerful words of salvation on the cross. Please invite your friends and pray and see what God does through your witness of Him.
We are anticipating the salvation of souls this Spring as we reach out to our community to share the saving message of Jesus Christ. We will be going out in the community for prayer walks to share our faith as we put our evangelism training into action.
Please pray diligently as we are becoming the faithful church Jesus desires us to be.
Have a great Spring – all for the Glory of our risen Savior King, Jesus Christ!
Blessings in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Paul
NGCC Ministry News and Events
Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry
Spring is coming upon us and is one of my favorite times of the year. Everything begins to wake up and everything is fresh and new. This time of year, we also celebrate our Risen Savior. Spring reminds us that when we accept Jesus as our Savior, we become awake and alive…just like Spring.
Spring will find us renewing our focus on the Trinity as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Using the clover is a fun way to teach the Trinity.
We will spend much of April talking about the life of Jesus. As the temperatures warm we will once again be able to go outside and look for the wonders of God and have fun.
Also in April, we will resume our weekly Kingdom Kids. Kingdom Kids will be held on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Parents will need to fill out a registration card in order for their child to participate.
As always, we are looking for volunteers to help teach our precious children. Anyone interested must be able to pass a background check. Teachers must be a church member for 6 months. Volunteer Training is also available. We are looking for a commitment for one Sunday or Wednesday a month with a total 6-month commitment. For more information, please see me (Kim).
We at NGCC appreciate you trusting us to give your child the best experience at learning all they can about Jesus. We are growing leaders for tomorrow’s church!
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
Interim Children’s Ministry Leader
Women’s Ministry
Thank you to all the ladies that came out to the baby shower for Betty’s daughter. The baby gave us all a shock by coming early the Monday before the shower! Since mom and baby were still in the hospital, grand-mom Betty stepped in and a great time was had by all.
At our meeting after the church service on March 23, we will continue to discuss God’s love for us.
The plans for our April fellowship are still being finalized. We are trying to have another Paint Night. Please watch the bulletin and announcements as details firm up.
Looking to the future, I am planning a ladies’ retreat for the weekend of October 24th. Stay tuned for details.
Maureen “Mo” Hill
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry just closed out an exciting 2019, with quality fellowship events, ministry outreach and spiritual growth as we focused on the mission of furthering God’s Kingdom.
Now, in 2020 we MUST stay on point. God’s work is not finished and the harvest is plentiful.There are many out there who need Jesus in their lives and we are here, right now, for such a time as this. Men, let’s be about our Father God’s business and pursue the Great Commission to spread the good news of the gospel.
There are new men joining the group and we need to encourage and lift each other up in prayer. Several ideas have been raised by you guys for 2020 to fellowship, and to serve within the church but also outside the
church. Come be a part of what the Lord is doing and be challenged to grow stronger in your faith and closer to Jesus.
Stay connected to the men’s ministry and look for our events on the church bulletin, our website, the church phone app and the Men’s Facebook group page.
Please share your thoughts and ideas for fellowship and ministry opportunities to me as the Men’s Ministry leader. I’m also available via email at joe@northglenchurch.com.
Proverbs 27:17 – As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Joe Fleming
Music and Technology Ministry
Thank you to all of our faithful followers. The music ministry is always looking for volunteers. We are searching for more singers and musicians. We also have a great need for volunteers to help with tech, sound, lights, support help.
God has given each of us a gift. I want to encourage you to use it for the glory of God. There is no volunteer too great or too small. All gifts can be used for the glory of the Lord. Please see me (Pastor Rick) if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering.
Training is always available for the right person!
Pastor Rick Holmes
Homeless Ministry
The homeless ministry meets every first Saturday of the month at 9:00 am to take food out into the community for the homeless. Please keep the homeless in your prayers!
Vicky Duffy
Food Pantry
When shopping for your family, please consider picking up an extra item or two so that we may be able to keep the pantry fully stocked for those in need during the coming months. Thanks so much!
Greeter’s Ministry
Help is needed for backup servers in this ministry. We need more help at the sanctuary doors to welcome first-time visitors with welcome packets. Commitment to serve once a month is needed in this particular position. Greeters must be at stations by 10:30 am and also must stay afterwards to clean the sanctuary for use by Grace Community that afternoon.
Our current leader feels led to step down, to allow another member to step up in this role. If you are interested, and do not already serve in another ministry on Sunday morning, please see Julie Drenning, for details.
Coffee House News
For those who are interested in donating food to the Coffee House ministry, a sign-up sheet for our needs will be posted on the bulletin board in the hall.
Besides helping through donations, there are many areas of service with this ministry:
- Serving food
- Cleaning up afterwards to place the church back in order for Sunday
- Setting up Wednesday night before the event Greeting newcomers throughout the evening
- Selling Coffee House t-shirts
- Ensuring supplies in the bathrooms are stocked, and
- Promoting the events through passing out fliers and sharing on Facebook.
The help from the members, families, and friends is much appreciated as we serve the community together!
SNL Coffee House Events
SNL has been holding concerts for over 26 years. We can only continue the Coffee House if we have high numbers of attendance and adequate support to the bands each month. Please support this outreach regularly and not just for your favorites. Bands mainly come from outside of Maryland and contact us to return when turn out is good and they are welcomed in love.
Reminder, doors open at 7 pm for fellowship and food. Children, ages 5 through 5th grade have entertainment upstairs beginning at 7:45 pm. Childcare is provided from 7:45 to 10 pm. Parents must return to pick their child up promptly at 10 pm.
On March 21st, Seven Love’s Christian Funk/Gospel will bless us that evening. Seven Love began its ministry in 1998. They have a 70’s-80’s hard Funk Rock R&B sound that doesn’t water down the Jesus lyrics. Their mission is to utilize the tool of urban contemporary music to minister to those who wrestle with the issue of living boldly for Christ in this present world, all while tearing down man-made traditions that have prevented people from appreciating God! https://www.facebook.com/ Sevenlove-137913686228098/
On April 18th, Full Gospel Boogie Band will regale us with their signature sounds. The Band is well known for the sound of their classic rock parodies that have had their lyrics sanctified and is a mixture of The Blues Brothers, ZZ Top,The Stones, Cream, Hank Williams, Jr, Lynyrd Skynyrd, well, you get the idea. The group also performs original songs with an upfront, uncompromising gospel message.
On May 16th, North Glen Community Church Praise Band, led by Worship Pastor Rick Holmes, will lead us in praise and worship.
Visit the Coffee House Facebook page at SNL Coffee House for pictures from previous months, or go to YouTube.com and search for SNL Coffee House to view videos of past and upcoming concerts and videos.