A Message From Pastor Paul
For many years I have had a hope of NGCC offering the biblical solution to overcoming the addictions and disorders that most people deal with on a daily basis.
Please pray for the Lord to open the door for us to begin a Celebrate Recovery Ministry at NGCC to help us effectively reach our community and its members who struggle with eating disorders, divorce, co-dependency, sexual addiction, drug addictions, alcoholism, gambling addiction, and other issues that affect our spiritual growth in the Lord. Our community members desperately need Jesus to set them free from these chains.
I’m asking our church to join me in fervent prayer regarding the Celebrate Recovery Ministry. This ministry is far bigger than us. We desperately need to cry out to Jesus in prayer to make it happen. As we pray, I truly believe God will move and open a door of opportunity for us to make an impact in our community and see souls saved for the Kingdom of God!
Celebrate Recovery is comprised of 12 steps and 8 Biblical principles based on the Beatitudes found in the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. Please join me in prayer about a new sermon series explaining these steps and principles in order for us all to have a real understanding of this great ministry potential.
I’m not totally sure what this Fall has to offer but I’m excited to see what the Lord has in store for NGCC!
As we are learning to build up NGCC through the sermon series in the book of Nehemiah, remember everything begins with prayer. It’s never too late for a new beginning!
Let’s FALL in LOVE with Jesus this season!
Love in Jesus,
Pastor Paul
NGCC Ministry News and Events
News for Our Ministries
- October 16th is the date for our Harvest Festival. Details coming soon.
- On October 29th, we will sponsor a Drive-Up Food Pantry. Stay tuned for more information.
- We are so excited to announce our newly elected Evangelism Leader, Joseph Johnson. Please keep him in prayer as he begins this ministry.
Evangelism Ministry
God has privileged me to be the Evangelism Leader here at NGCC! I want to, by the leading of the Holy Ghost, equip and train people to hear from the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel wherever they go so that Jesus’ Great Commission from Matthew 28:19 can be fulfilled.
In Christ,
Joseph Johnson
Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry
Fall is upon us! Cooler temperatures will soon be arriving. It’s a great time to have bonfires, s’mores and God’s Word through family time! Create great memories with your children now so as they grow and have families of their own, these memories will continue.
As school is back in full swing for our children, parents need to be ever-more present in children’s’ lives. Ask questions of them everyday. Let them know you really care. It is so important to keep dialogue open so they know they can come to you with ANY issues they face.
It is also very important to keep a routine. Don’t let church fall to a back burner; children need to have God’s Word on a consistent basis. Spiritual War is very real in our world, and we MUST keep our children covered by the Word and prayer!
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
kim@northglenchurch.com or wheelzforchrist@gmail.com
Women’s Ministry
In these trying times, remember this promise from Jesus:” Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27.
In the Women’s Ministry:
- We continue our study on salvation.
- We will be watching DVDs.
- We plan another “baby shower” for Mary’s Center.
- Hopefully, with the whole church, we will be going to the Museum of the Bible.
- As I continue to pray for God’s guidance in this ministry, we will be doing other terrific things!
Blessings to all of you — my prayers continue for you all corporately and individually!
In Christ,
Maureen Hill
Men’s Ministry
The men’s summer cookout was another great time of fellowship and fun. We had guests join us and we also re-connected with a few men from the past. Thanks again to Brother Tony for hosting this event. For those who could not attend, there will be other opportunities to join the men’s group this Fall. Plans are already underway, including a community outreach to the men in our neighborhood. Details will be announced soon.
Please pray and seek God for how He wants to use you here at NGCC. He has a specific purpose for each of us and He will equip you for that purpose for His Kingdom. He will use any of us IF we are willing and make the effort to be available. You will be blessed and grow stronger in your walk of faith as you serve. The NGCC monthly Food Pantry is an excellent opportunity to give back to our community. Extra men are always needed.
Stay connected to the Men’s Ministry and encourage a friend or brother who needs to get connected with other men on this journey of faith in Jesus. Updates will be communicated during our services, online meetings, emails, website posts, the church phone app, and Church Facebook and Men’s Ministry Facebook pages.
Please share your thoughts and ideas for future fellowship and ministry opportunities with me. I have received good suggestions already and more are welcome. Also continue to lift one another up in our prayers.
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV) Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
Joe Fleming
Greeter’s Ministry
Greeters Ministry is rolling along! So much has changed in the last six months. Wonderful folks I had helping have moved on to other ministry opportunities, so new Greeters are needed to help out. It is a great way to get to meet new people coming to church, plus to get to know ones already here. Prayer is always needed for all Ministries and their leaders!
Ministry Leader
With the New Member class, I am looking forward to seeing where God will be leading them to use their spiritual gifts in His service. As Fall approaches, I am praying and watching to see where the Lord will be working to grow His Church. It would be to our advantage if the leaders would get together casually to share their ministries. It would benefit us all to know each other more deeply, grow in God’s love for each other, and have a united front. God has His plans for each ministry to grow in our church. The Church is described in Ephesians as a body with all working together as one unit. Let’s look for ways to put that into action —
Team Work!
With the Love of Jesus
Praise and Worship Ministry
Thank you all for voting in our Special Business Meeting. Over the last ten months I have learned a lot and still have much to learn!
I appreciate your confidence in me as the church continues to search for a permanent worship leader. Please continue to pray for the Praise Band as we work together to bring praise and worship before our God and King.
Lena Lowery
Interim Praise and Worship Leader