Children’s Ministry Update
A message from Kim Gayleard:
Back to school time already! Thank you to everyone that brought in school supplies to help our local school. If you need help with school supplies for your child, please see me.
I would like to encourage our North Glen families to spend some time together in the Word. Some great ideas would be to share a Bible story during homework time or pick bedtime to read to your child. You could encourage older children to read with you.
Procedure Update
We have a new procedure for our children for Children’s Church. At the end of the worship music portion of the service Pastor Paul will dismiss the children to walk to the back of the room to meet their teacher. At this point they will line up and go up together. At the end of the service, please go to the back hall next to pastor’s office to get your child. Children will no longer be dismissed until they have a parent or guardian. We are attempting to keep our children safe as well as cut down the amount of running around that is being done.
Hopefully by now all current members and attenders will have taken a few moments to register their child for Children’s Church. This is a MUST! The form can be found online.Should you prefer we do have paper copies, so Kim Gayleard.
Upcoming Children’s Ministry Dates
There are going to be many, many chances to get involved in activities at North Glen!
Coming End of September
The middle school students participated in the 30-hour famine over the August 19-20 weekend. At the end of September we will host a Spaghetti Dinner to raise money for those less fortunate. More details will follow soon!
October 2 – Harvest Festival
We are having our annual Harvest Festival on October 2nd. The Children’s Ministry will need help to run crafts and games. Please look out for the upcoming sign up sheet.
October 30 – Trunk or Treat
New this year! We are excited to announce we are going to sponsor a Trunk or Treat at North Glen on October 30. More information and sign ups will follow.
October – November
We will be collecting again for Operation Christmas Child in October and November!
Children’s Ministry Needs
We are always in need of help! We are currently needing an assistant to help on the third Sunday of the month. Our prayer is that God sends us 4 more teachers and assistants so we can better separate our grades!
Since we have added a special needs Sunday school class I am in need of three teachers that would be willing to teach Sunday school at 10:00am.
Many exciting things God is doing at North Glen! Please consider jumping in and helping out!
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
Children’s Ministry Director |